Welcome! It’s great to have you here. This is a major step you have taken towards the betterment of your future/enlightenment and you can always trust that you are being guided by the divine. Now, come with me. Let’s briefly dive into our world of Quantum Physics and how Life Force Energy (E=mc2) impacts the wavelengths surrounding us everyday. Scientifically, this makes perfect sense as we are all intertwined and connected through these energetic wavelengths hence allowing us to go where we want to go and reach as far as we can reach energetically within our universe (consciousness). But to the human mind, it seems more like a magical occurrence. I get asked frequently about this and I just want all you beautiful souls reading this today to know that there is absolutely no barrier. It’s all connected!
Come in with an Open heart. Leave your worries and doubts behind to ensure that energies are clear on all ends and channels are opened all the way so that I am able to provide you with the best, most accurate & benefiting services possible. And remember, you can overcome any obstacle. Your ORI (Destiny) will always lead you to where you need to be, and the best is yet to come!
Rev. Dr. Taiwo O. Bola, PhD. (RMT. CHLC, CH, OM, AMH, NP, CMT, CHF, CSMT. CR. HHPM).
Professional Affiliations: AADP, AAMA, IMPA, ICMH, ABPG.

Additional Info:
Please note that both URL's "DaYorubaGoddess.com" & "ElevateWithTayy.com" lead to this website.
"Elevate with Tayy, LLC" is a Holistic Care Practice, owned by "Goddess T" who is also known as Dr. Taiwo O. Bola, PHD.
Instagram: @ElevatewithTayy
Facebook: Elevate With Tayy, LLC
Thank you & God bless! :)
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